State Energy Efficiency Research & Outreach Programme

State Energy Efficiency Research and Outreach Programme is augmentation of existing component and is proposed with following objectives :

  •  Tostrengthen partnership between policy makers & educational institutions to forward energy efficiency drive
  •  To enhance the outreach activities undertaken by State Designated Agencies 

Through this component, SDAs can draw key experts and can undertake extensive stakeholder engagement, comprehensive analysis and more focused technical assistance to enhance clean energy policy implementation in the State. Under this component, SDAs may take support from various private organizations, educational institutions & laboratories for know-how on various energy efficiency practices across various sectors. Also, in order to encourage innovative projects and research in energy efficiency, financial assistance for research proposals may also be considered from the Institutions, College students and Individual researchers in the field of energy studies. The financial assistance will be given on the basis of detailed evaluation of the research proposals by an expert committee comprising of BEE and SDA officials. Also, SDAs can propagate energy conservation values amongst school children through formation of energy clubs and encouraging participation of young ambassadors in energy conservation movement. Presently, SDAs celebrate Energy Conservation Week involving students, Government officials for propagating energy conservation values amongst various sections of society.

The following implementation strategy can be adopted by the SDAs to enhance awareness among the masses about the benefits of energy efficiency and energy conservation:

  • Content for promotional material like pamphlet, booklets, brochures, posters will be developed / compiled in English and local dialects.
  • Appropriate campaign mechanisms will be developed keeping in view target audience, likely penetration impact, likely sponsorship and support of energy efficient equipment manufacturers, Govt. Depts., periodicity of campaigns, cost benefits.
  • Appropriate content on energy efficiency and energy conservation will be developed for school education curriculum in English and local dialects drawing from existing content available and developing additional content with cooperation/inputs from State education department/board and experienced teachers/ academicians.
  • Awareness campaigns on energy efficient products and services would be conducted.